Legal support of advertising campaigns

Cost of services

from 450 USD
Documents Anudit
from 2500 USD
Legal support of advertising campaigns
Based on 200 reviews in Google

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What we offer

  • Analyzing promotional materials and checking for compliance with legal requirements;

  • Providing recommendations and suggestions for changes in promotional materials in accordance with the legislation on advertising;

  • Preparing, coordinating and signing a package of documents needed to work with persons involved in advertising (directors, actors, editing and others);

  • Preparing, coordinating and signing the necessary permits from individuals who are involved in the advertising;

  • Accompanying the client in negotiations with partners, stars and other persons involved in the advertising campaign; 

  • Analyzing the risks and advising on ways to avoid legal risks associated with advertising;

  • Advising on compliance with intellectual property laws;

  • Assistance to clients during inspections carried out by controlling authorities;

  • Full legal support of the advertising campaign.


Documents required

List of documents
Company information
Company information
Promotional materials
Promotional materials
Advertising information
Advertising information

Legal audit of advertising: what is it and why is it needed?

The answer is simple – in Ukraine there are strict requirements for advertising, both in general and individual products and services. Their violation is fraught with at least fines and monetary losses for the entrepreneur. Unfortunately, advertising agencies, in pursuit of a creative solution, or due to lack of special legal qualifications may not take into account certain requirements of the law.

This is why a lawyer is often involved in advertising from the very beginning of the process, so that initially the advertising campaign was carried out without problems. In such cases, we: 

  • Analyze advertising materials, documents and other advertising information. 

  • Check advertising materials for compliance with the law. 

  • Provide our recommendations and information about possible risks with options to avoid them.

  • Assist in preparing all necessary documents, such as agreements with contractors, guest stars, advertising agencies, etc.

  • Provide assistance in negotiations with contractors and contractors who are involved in the creation of the advertisement.

  • Coordinate the final version of advertising materials.

  • Advise and assist with responses to inquiries from supervisory authorities or claims of third parties, if such inquiries and claims arise. 

  • Provide legal support of the advertising campaign to the end, help with the solution of disputes in pre-trial or judicial order. 

If there is a need to conduct only an audit of advertising materials or to provide legal services regarding specific aspects of the advertising campaign, the term of services is up to 3 business days after receipt of all documents and information. 

What documents may be required for the audit and organization of the advertising campaign?

Information about the company - information about the customer and its activities.

Promotional materials - photo, video, text, music or edited advertising video. 

Documents, if any - permission for filming from natural persons, contracts with persons who participated in the creation of advertising, documents for the right to use objects of intellectual property, if such documents are ready.

Advertising distribution scheme - information about the customer, manufacturer and distributor of the advertisement.

Information about the advertisement - the type of advertisement, the planned methods of distribution, agreements with the distributors of advertisement.

Website of the company and a list of main competitors in the market of Ukraine.

Letters, requests, decisions of supervisory authorities, in case of any proceedings on violation of advertising legislation opened.

Service packages offers

from 450 USD
  • Analysis of promotional materials
  • Risk analysis and advice
  • Checking advertising materials against legal requirements
  • Recommendations regarding the use of elements of promotional materials (music, text, content, mandatory information)
from 1800 USD
  • Analysis of advertising materials (commercial, music, images, trademarks, etc.) - we analyze the advertising material in detail, provide advice on the use of elements of advertising materials
  • Risk analysis and advice on the use of promotional materials
  • Verification of advertising materials in relation to the requirements of the law - we “pass” each advertising material through the requirements of the law, if we find possible violations or risks, we immediately inform the client and offer optimization options
  • Recommendations regarding the use of elements of promotional materials (music, text, content, mandatory information)
  • Preparation and approval of permits for shooting individuals, licenses (license agreements) regarding the use of intellectual property, contracts with contractors and other documents that are necessary - we will develop and provide the necessary documents, you only need to organize the signing
from 2500 USD
  • Analysis of advertising materials (commercial, music, images, trademarks, etc.) - we analyze the advertising material in detail, provide advice on the use of elements of advertising materials
  • Risk analysis and advice on the use of promotional materials
  • Verification of advertising materials in relation to the requirements of the law - we “pass” each advertising material through the requirements of the law, if we find possible violations or risks, we immediately inform the client and offer options
  • Recommendations regarding the use of elements of promotional materials (music, text, content, mandatory information)
  • Preparation and approval of permits for shooting individuals, licenses (license agreements) regarding the use of intellectual property, contracts with contractors and other documents that are necessary - we will develop and provide the necessary documents, you only need to organize the signing
  • Analysis of competitors' advertising - we will analyze competitors' advertising so that competitors do not have the opportunity to file a lawsuit or file a complaint with the Antimonopoly Committee regarding violations of competition law
  • Full support of the advertising campaign
  • Making changes to advertising materials under the supervision of a lawyer
  • Preparation, coordination of contracts with advertising distributors - if advertising distributors are involved, we will help with the conclusion of contracts with them

What does an audit of promotional materials consist of? How much does it cost?

The cost of services depends on the scale of advertising campaign, complexity of legal audit and necessity of development of necessary documents.

For example, the cost of auditing promotional materials, checking for compliance with the law and providing a legal opinion with recommendations and options to avoid the risks of violations or claims is determined depending on the complexity and amount of legal work required. In this case we recommend ordering our “Standard” package. If you need a lawyer to support your advertising campaign at all its stages, it is better to use the “Premium” package.

During the audit of advertising materials we check for: 

  • compliance of advertising materials with legal requirements for a particular type of advertising;

  • the legal basis for the use of intellectual property in advertising; 

  • contracts with advertising intermediaries, contractors and other persons involved in the advertising campaign; 

  • availability of necessary permits and licenses; 

  • availability of necessary accompanying information, disclaimers, legal terms; 

  • legislative restrictions and peculiarities related to advertising of certain types of goods or services (alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, financial services, etc.);

  • advertising of competitors, analyze risks of unfair competition. 

It is important to remember that the quality of our work depends on the information, documents and materials that are provided to us. 

We determine the cost of services depending on the scope of work or on the stage, the scale of the advertising campaign or the stage at which we get involved in the work.

Why us

All services in one place
All services in one place
Full support of the advertising campaign from planning to completion, including the settlement of disputes and inspections.
We work with a variety of clients
We work with a variety of clients
Relevant competence and experience helps us to effectively and efficiently provide legal services in large advertising campaigns with international brands and in small local advertising campaigns.
Advertising any services and goods
Advertising any services and goods
We work in all areas of advertising, including advertising of medicines, consumer credit, employment services and other goods and services. We advise and accompany promotions, contests and drawings.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Penalties and other liability in advertising

Fines in the amount of 5 times the cost of production/distribution of advertising can be applied for violations of legislation on advertising. 

In addition, additional penalties of up to 5% of the company’s income (revenue) for the previous year may be applied by the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine for violations of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection from Unfair Competition”. 

For violation of rights of other persons in advertising, you can expect claims or lawsuits for compensation of losses, moral damages, etc. 

Legal support of advertising campaigns allows business to: 

  • prepare and conduct an advertising campaign correctly and in accordance with the law; 

  • not be afraid of inspections by supervisory authorities or third-party claims;

  • not to get bogged down in lawsuits and paperwork;

  • save time and finances to solve problems that may be avoided if a lawyer is initially involved in the work.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can I use images in advertising that look like trademarks of famous brands?

Not recommended, as such use may be an indication of unfair competition and/or violation of third-party proprietary rights.

Is it allowed to film children in commercials?

The answer is yes, but there are some restrictions: parental permission and the desire of the child is required; you may not use images of children persistently using products/services that are intended for adults only: no solicitation on behalf of children to buy products or to solicit others to make a purchase shall be voiced; it is necessary to observe additional requirements for advertising of some goods and services with the use of images of children.

Is there a need to specify additional legal information in the advertisement?

Answer: Depending on the product/service that is advertised, there is a need to indicate additional information in the advertisement. For example, if advertising a consumer loan, it is necessary to specify the maximum amount for which the loan can be granted, the real annual interest rate, etc.

Additional legal services in the field of advertising

We work with both well-known brands and small ad campaigns that you’ve definitely seen on TV, Instagram, Facebook and other sources. 

Additionally, we’re ready to help you with:

  • establishing and regulating legal relations with celebrities, event agencies and advertising agencies, brand ambassadors;

  • development and approval of any kind of agreements, permits; 

  • registration of trademarks;

  • management of personal data, privacy and GDPR;

  • obtaining a license (license agreement) for the use of music.

Do you want to get a professional audit of promotional materials? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We will provide you with recommendations that will help you avoid problems with advertising, rather than deal with their consequences.

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Kuzava Vlasta
Junior lawyer
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer