Legal representation in relations with Ukrainian state authorities

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What we offer

  • Executive authorities, local self-government (for example, when appealing against actions and decisions, registration of surface area of bodies of water and registration of land plots);
  • Law enforcement agencies. Requests for documents, summoning the head or chief accountant for a conversation are usually accompanied by a lawyer;
  • Tax authorities. Most often it is necessary to cooperate with this body when appealing against decisions to refuse state registration, to refund VAT, decisions to collect taxes or fines from the budget, to prosecute for late payment of taxes, etc.;
  • Services for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. Appealing against refusals to register business and real estate transactions;
  • Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. Legal representation in relations with state bodies of the AMCU is needed to solve antimonopoly disputes, to represent own interests, to appeal against decisions or collection of documents for participation in tenders and auctions, mergers and acquisitions;
  • Licensing authorities. Submission of documents for obtaining a license, support of their consideration and settlement of arising disputes;
  • Other state authorities are also available for legal representation in relations with them.


The price of legal representation in relations with the state authorities

The service of legal representation in relations with the state authorities is a standard procedure, which involves communication of qualified lawyers with relevant representatives of state authorities and the performance of necessary actions on behalf of and in the interests of the Client.

Ask for the price of the procedure from the company’s specialists.

Additional information on legal representation in relations with state authorities

This service allows:

  • to take the necessary action (read the documents, submit an application);
  • to understand a certain situation (to find out the exact position, to form an action plan to achieve the final objective, to ensure the correct understanding of the situation).

The lawyers of our company may represent the interests of the Client with or without direct participation of the Client.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

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