Legal representation in ukraine



Legal representation - legal service in Kiev, Ukraine

Representation of a Client, as a standard procedure, refers to the participation of the company’s lawyer in a certain process on behalf of and in the interests of the Client, both with and without his/her personal presence.

Representation services may cover the preparing procedure (inspection of documents, situation, staff briefing, etc.), when required.

This means that our lawyer will:

  • Advise on all matters related to representation (self-representation) of the Client’s interests;
  • Analyze the case for successful outcome and carry out a preliminary assessment of the situation;  
  • Assist in drafting the necessary documentation for the successful completion of the task: in court, when signing agreements, during the inspection of an individual or legal entity, as well as during the representation of a Client at state authorities;
  • Protect and represent the Client’s interests during inspections, signing of agreements, in court and state authorities;
  • Elaborate on all possible scenarios and successful practices of similar cases.

The cost of legal representation - 800 hrn/hour.

Calculating the cost of representation services or determining the chances of successful completion of a task is not always straightforward. For this purpose, we often offer a paid preliminary consultation to thoroughly investigate the case and assess the situation. Such a consultation can also give you answers to most of the questions at the very beginning of our cooperation, making it clear and effective.

In addition, you’re not required to visit our office, we can analyze your situation and documents through any remote communication channels.

We care about your time from the very beginning.

Cost of services:

Representation of interests
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What we do

Select the service you are interested in
Legal representation in relations with Ukrainian state authorities
  • Executive authorities, local self-government (for example, when appealing against actions and decisions, registration of surface area of bodies of water and registration of land plots);
  • Law enforcement agencies. Requests for documents, summoning the head or chief accountant for a conversation are usually accompanied by a lawyer;
  • Tax authorities. Most often it is necessary to cooperate with this body when appealing against decisions to refuse state registration, to refund VAT, decisions to collect taxes or fines from the budget, to prosecute for late payment of taxes, etc.;
  • Services for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography. Appealing against refusals to register business and real estate transactions;
  • Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine. Legal representation in relations with state bodies of the AMCU is needed to solve antimonopoly disputes, to represent own interests, to appeal against decisions or collection of documents for participation in tenders and auctions, mergers and acquisitions;
  • Licensing authorities. Submission of documents for obtaining a license, support of their consideration and settlement of arising disputes;
  • Other state authorities are also available for legal representation in relations with them.
Drafting and legal assessment of contracts
  • define possible risks of future cooperation, give an evaluation / estimation of possible partnership and its results;
  • get acquainted with documents provided by the counterparty, examine their authenticity and correctness, conduct study of a contractor before signing of a contract;
  • carry out a legal evaluation of a draft of a contract, which is provided by the counterparty, pay your attention to the provisions in it, which do not correspond to your interests, inform on what to add to the contract;
  • if necessary, prepare a draft of the contract using our own sample database;
  • participate in negotiations, seek to maximally defend the interests of a Client, while not breaking the agreement, if it is generally very interesting for the Client;
  • control a contract on its correct form.
Due diligence of corporate buyouts in Ukraine
  • We check the history of company registration and all subsequent concessions of corporate rights;
  • Verify the validity of permits and licenses, as well as analyze the circumstances of their receipt, in order to eliminate the risks of revocation of the license and criminal prosecution of managers;
  • study of accounts receivable and accounts payable, availability of outstanding tax liabilities, court decisions and enforcement proceedings;
  • Analysis of the contractual base of the enterprise;
  • General legal audit of the company (enterprise);
  • We carry out the study of other circumstances that confirm the actual structure of income and expenses of the company.

Additional information about our services of legal representation

To fully understand the case, we need to obtain all the available information about the situation. It’s always critical to successful beginning and completion of our cooperation with the Client.

In addition, we need to obtain all the available documents concerning the case, so that our lawyers can analyze them and provide you with preliminary conclusion.

If necessary, we can sign a Legal Services Agreement, which will include a clause restricting the use and dissemination of confidential information about the situation and Client’s data. We are committed to meet the Client’s needs and desires as effectively and efficiently as possible.

How our lawyers work during the legal representation cooperation?

Representation of the Client, as a standard procedure, refers to the participation of the company’s lawyer in a certain process on behalf of and in the interests of the Client, both with and without his/her personal presence.

Representation services may cover the preparing procedure (inspection of documents, situation, staff briefing, etc.), when required.

Before representing the Client’s interests, our lawyers first conduct legal examination of the documents provided. Legal examination is a necessary step for the formation of a legal position. The representation services may also include the preparation of service documents such as claim, statement of claim, petition, notice of appeal or appeal in cassation.

The most popular type of representation services is, of course, representation in court, including representation of the company or a private Client, representation in arbitrations or in family law cases.

We do not take every single case, but if we confirm our interest in a particular project, be sure that the job will be done at the highest professional level.

Representation in court requires special preparation, as the court proceeding is carried out under strict rules, in accordance with the practice developed by the court. This means that defending one’s interests without considering the court practice is an adventure, which in most cases results in failure.

Inspection of a counterparty or an individual is always a very delicate and complex process. Thus, it requires confidence in the positive outcome and confidentiality.

Our company’s lawyers have both extensive theoretical knowledge and considerable expertise in this area of law.

If you want to get a qualified representation of your interests - call us!

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

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