Comments on legislation
What should you do if a person with a medical degree wants to work in secondary employment as a junior specialist? Find out more about whether it is necessary to get extended education and documents
The labor union registration procedure does not seem complicated at a first glance. However, we must remember that the state registrar has the opportunity to delay the process for a few months. So what's to be done?
We will tell you how a “one-day operating room” (small operating room) should be equipped and what requirements it must comply with to be suitable for the surgery
For foreign legal entities that are planning to enter the Ukrainian market there are two ways to do this. Find out what are these ways and what advantages has the representative office
For all entrepreneurs who carry out activities related to petroleum products there is a requirement to install level gauges and flow meters. Find out what it is and what rules are set
Can a foreign person or a foreign charitable organization become the founder of charitable foundation in Ukraine? Find out what you need in order to do this
The new EFSMS system changed the licensing procedure for petroleum products and associated activities. Find out more about all innovations
The procedure of obtaining a license for the operations with precursors has changed and became much more complicated. What should you do in this situation?
The process of registration in the capacity of electricity market participant is complex and multiple-stage. We will tell you what to do at each stage and what is the right way to start an activity
What is imbalance and why is its settlement agreement a mandatory condition for the electricity supply activity? Get more information about this.
Does your non-governmental or charitable organization need volunteers help? We will tell you what is necessary for you in order to cooperate with volunteers without restraint.
We will tell you what is the difference between the types of representative offices of foreign companies in Ukraine and how to choose the one that suits you best.