Comments on legislation


Legal procedures that are to be followed in order to add vehicles to a transportation license in Ukraine


Requirements for institutions issuing a medical certificate to a driver’s license candidate


This publication will help you to understand  the questions regarding the requirements of obtaining construction license by general contractor as well as the other organizational aspects of the activities


This publication is designed to provide more details on requirements of licensing regulations regarding approachability of a drugstore premise for people with disabilities


Concept and composition of administrative costs in a charitable organization. Features of accounting.

After the licensing authorities stopped providing confirmation of license issuance on paper (due to requirements of the new law) business owners are often concerned with the ways in which they now can confirm legality of their activities...

New requirements for a drugstore personnel for obtaining the license, provided by the resolution of Cabinet of Ministers no. 929 dated the 30th of November, 2016


Procedure of appealing against the tender procurement in accordance with the current legislation in force

Requirements for the management of a financial institution in Ukraine are set by the Resolution of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Finanсial Services Markets no. 1590 dated 13.07.2004...

Providing of leasing services is actual topic during an economic crisis. A leasing is one of the most effective ways to give equipment for entrepreneurs, who don’t have enough money, in a temporary paid usage. 

Trading of alcohol and tobacco is one of the most profitable spheres of business today. We will try to examine whether retail of alcohol is legal via Internet.
Nowadays more and more foreigners call on our company for registration their own business in Ukraine. We will examine the procedure of starting your own business in Ukraine and the procedure of further employment of a foreigner.