Representative experience

How to fill out a visa application form D to Ukraine? Legal advice
How to start a pharmacy in a city, town or village? Legal advice on starting a pharmacy.
Let’s discuss issues and situations that can stump any entrepreneur when starting a pharmacy in Ukraine.
Our lawyers helped a doctor working as a sole proprietor to expand his license. Transition from Sole Proprietorship to LLC.
What are the peculiarities of the procedure for obtaining a license for a family practice physician? Requirements for a family practice physician license.
Frequently asked questions relating to the licensing of employment agencies in Ukraine. News in the field of licensing of overseas employment agencies.
How to correct an error in the court’s order? What should you file for: a new order or clarification?
Can two doctors with different specialties work in a single office? How to properly register their activity?
What is the product certification process in Ukraine? Which products shall be certified in Ukraine?
Why and who needs to obtain the Permits of the State Labor Service of Ukraine? Is it difficult to obtain the Permits and what do you need to get the them?
How to handle the formalities concerning the work with precursors if it is expected that a large number of persons would be authorized to work with them? Could this give rise to problems?
Our experience in handling the formalities concerning outstaffing relationships in Ukraine. About what should you be aware?