Urgent registration of an invitation to Ukraine for a businessman

Cost of services:

from 400 USD
Price for getting an invitation letter
from 600 USD
Invitation from a legal entity
Obtainment of official invitation to Ukraine for foreigners
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The cost of a business invitation letter to Ukraine for a foreigner from the migration risk country – from USD 500.

Recently we were contacted by a Client, whose goal was to enter Ukraine urgently on business, in particular, for business negotiations. The problem was that there was very limited time before his visit to Ukraine, and the Client's country was in a migration risk zone.

This means a high risk of being denied a Ukrainian visa or even encountering problems when entering Ukraine at the customs control at the airport.

The Client wanted to get answers to the following questions:

  • How to enter Ukraine without problems for a short period of time?
  • How to do this?
  • What documents to provide and prepare?
  • How quickly can we help with this issue?

We informed the Client that we can provide assistance not only in preparing an invitation letter, but also ensure his entry into Ukraine. We usually offer the following 2 options:

  • Obtaining a C-type visa, which is valid for several weeks, - for Clients planning a short-term visit to Ukraine;
  • Company registration in Ukraine, which allows obtaining a D-type visa for 1 year, you will be able to stay legally in Ukraine for 90 days during this period.

If it turns out that Clients need to visit Ukraine even more often and for a longer period, we offer to apply for a Temporary Residence Permit, for example, on the basis of the company registered in Ukraine.

Our Client was interested in obtaining a C-type visa and entering Ukraine as soon as possible. In his case, he needed the invitation letter from Ukraine, which would convince the customs authorities in his reliability and help him obtain a permit to enter even despite the fact of origin from a migration risk country.

You may also like: What Are the Advantages of an Invitation Letter from a Legal Entity?

What is the procedure of issuing an invitation letter for a foreigner in Ukraine?

The market is bloated with companies offering services for issuing invitation letters to Ukraine. However, most of them are not able to provide guarantees – in fact they are usually inactive LLCs, whose task is simply to send an invitation letter. They will not worry about whether the Client has entered Ukraine or not and whether he/she needs any additional assistance. The biggest problem is that such companies are often already known to the border guards because of the large number of invitations, which means that foreigners attempting to enter Ukraine with such invitations will be refused already at the border.

Important! No company can provide a 100% guarantee for a foreign citizen from a migration risk country to enter Ukraine. However, we can increase your chances.

We are an LLC which operates actively and is in good standing with state authorities of Ukraine. We provide all information in case of questions from controlling bodies or their representatives and, equally important, we will confirm the fact of inviting the person  by phone.

In the Client's case, taking into account the urgency of the order, we have prepared two types of invitation letters. One – notarial, the other – on the company letterhead. Thus, we minimized problems and avoided additional questions at the consulate during the visa issuance.

Providing an invitation letter  for a foreigner involves drawing up the following documents:

  • an invitation letter from a Ukrainian legal entity;
  • insurance contract;
  • translation of a foreigner's passport certified by a notary;
  • documents from the inviting company - extract, actual information about the LLC, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

To issue an invitation letter, the Client has to provide us only with the following documents:

  • a scanned copy of the passport;
  • the exact address for delivering the documents.

We send the whole package of documents, completely ready for use, to our Clients. If necessary, as it was in the case of our Client, we help with filling out the visa application form and making an appointment at the embassy.

We also provided our contacts in case of necessity of confirmation at the customs control from the company representative regarding validity, authenticity of the invitation. As a result, the Client of the migration risk group entered Ukraine without any obstacles at the first attempt and in due time.

Turnaround time: 3 days and delivery time depending on your location.

The cost of obtaining an invitation letter for a foreigner in Ukraine from our company is approximately USD 300-600, depending on the complexity of the task. You can check the service packages and their price here.

Do you want to come to Ukraine within the desired period? Don’t hesitate to contact us! We will not only provide you with the required documents but also take care of your legal security and legalization in Ukraine in the future.

Didn’t find an answer to your question?

Everything about the procedure for issuing the Business Invitation Letter here.

Publication date: 17/11/2021

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