Occupational safety and health permit in Ukraine

Cost of services

from 25000 UAH
Permit obtainment
Occupational safety and health permit in Ukraine
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What we offer

High risk works are nowadays performed based on the Permit or on the Declaration. Having become familiarized with the list of works performed based on the Permit, and with the list of those performed based on the Declaration, you will understand clearly which document is necessary for you.

When needed, we shall help you deal with this subject.

If your company needs the Permit, here is what we do:

  • prepare papers for getting the expert opinion at the appropriate authority;
  • get the expert opinion at the appropriate authority;
  • submit documents to the State Service of Ukraine on Labor;
  • get the high risk works permit.


Documents required for getting the permit

To get High risk works permit for the company we mostly ask the client to render such papers and information to our specialists:

  • A copy of an excerpt from the EDRPOU;
  • A copy of the first two pages of the statute;
  • A copy of the statistic certificate;
  • Certificate of the VAT payer (if applicable);
  • Bank details  (if applicable);
  • Phone number.

The Permit to perform hazardous works cost depends on the selected types of work. You can find the full list of high risk works through the link.

The work begins after specification of the final cost and its prepayment.

The term of Permit obtainment is up to 4 weeks. The service cost includes an official payment for obtainment of expert opinion.

The cost of Permit to perform hazardous works obtainment already includes an official payment.

Why us

Shortest possible time frame for permit obtainment
Shortest possible time frame for permit obtainment
Having behind many years of experience in this field, we pass each phase of the obtainment procedure as soon as possible. This enables us to obtain the Permit for you in the shortest time possible.
Providing integrated services
Providing integrated services
Not only do we assist in Permit obtainment, but also in related issues such as training staff members in occupational safety and developing necessary documents at the enterprise (regulations, instructions etc).
No service cost increasement
No service cost increasement
We determine the cost of our services prior to beginning to work with the client. We do not increase service cost afterwards. The client gets the result for the amount specified at the start.

Our successful projects

Provided legal support to a company engaged in construction activities
Helped with obtaining a permit for high-risk works, received for the client a declaration of compliance of the material and technical base of the company with the requirements of the legislation on labor protection, as well as a conclusion on the state of labor protection and production safety
The permit for high-risk work for the LLC was extended
We helped our Client from Kyiv to extend the previously obtained permit for earthworks performed over 2 meters or in the area of underground communications etc.

The cost of Permit to perform hazardous works obtainment is calculated by our company’s experts for each specific case based on the list of works provided by our Client and created according to the list of high risk works, which is available through the link.

If specialists do not have the necessary certificates, we can provide services of organization of their training.

You can also download the list of high risk works as well as the list of high risk machines, mechanisms and equipment.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Which staff members have to possess a high risk work permit?

In this matter, everything depends on the works which the firm will complete. The more types of works are performed and the more complex they are, the more staff members should pass occupational safety courses. In any case, the company has to organize an occupational safety committee consisting of no less than three people.

Can we get the Permit for companies from other cities?

We obtain the Permit for our clients not only from Kyiv but from all regions of Ukraine.

How can the Permit be extended?

If your company hasn’t been taken measures against during the Permit’s period of validity, it can be extended through a simplified procedure, so that it is not necessary to get an expert opinion.

What is the Permit’s sphere of effect?

Unlike the high risk works declaration, which is provided for the works at a definite place, the Permit covers the whole territory of Ukraine.

Important to know about high risk work permit

Additional information about the High risk works permit

The law oes not define the cost of providing the Permit blank, so it is given for free. When choosing from the list of works, you may select a type of work as a whole or partially.
Obtainment of the Permit comprises of three steps: first – training staff members in occupational safety, second – obtainment of the expert opinion, third – obtainment of the Permit blank.

Above you can get familiarized with the list of documents required to get the Occupational Safety Permit in different types of working activity. Please bear in mind that the list is not explicit and can vary depending on the type of working activity. Our firm offers services in preparing separate documents or the whole pack specifically for your firm as well as providing already existing samples of works that have already passed permission authorities.

Among others, the list of documents includes:

  • Induction training
  • Instruction on occupation safety for dangerous works with gases
  • Instruction on electrical safety for workers
  • Instruction on occupation safety in electric welding activity
  • Instruction on occupation safety in earthwork;
  • Instruction on occupation safety for works in shafts, wells, pits, trenches and manifolds
  • Instruction on first-aid in accidents
  • Instruction for external pipeline installers
  • Instruction for boiler equipment installers
  • Instruction on fire safety
  • Excerpt from the staff list
  • Registration journal of permits to perform dangerous works with gases
  • Registration journal of induction training in the matters of occupation safety
  • Protective gear account journal blank
  • Account journal of occupational safety instruction
  • Journal blank of fire safety instruction registration
  • Journal blank of occupation safety instruction registration at the working place
  • Journal blank on inspection of rigging mechanisms, means and devices
  • Appointment order for those in charge of particular matters of occupation safety
  • Blank of order on approval of the list of questions for induction instruction and for primary occupation safety instruction for the head of the company
  • Order on approval of the list of normative documents that regulate the performance of high risk works
  • Order blank on approval and implementing of duty regulations for those in charge of occupation safety
  • Order blank for implementing organizational structure and approval of company’s staff
  • Order about providing workers with special clothes, shoes etc.
  • Order on approval of the procedure of carrying out medical examination at the enterprise
  • Order blank for implementing the regulation on occupational safety management system
  • Appointment order for engineer of  occupation safety at the enterprise
  • Organizational structure of the enterprise
  • List of the high risk works which the enterprise plans to perform
  • List of questions for induction instruction  
  • List of questions for primary instruction
  • Sample of the regulation on occupational safety management system
  • Procedure of carrying out medical examination of workers at the enterprise
  • Duty regulation for occupational safety engineer
  • Duty regulation for engineer
  • Duty regulation for general manager
  • List of executives responsible for occupation safety at the enterprise (for the stated works)
  • List of workers performing  high risk works
  • Thematic plan and training program for executives and specialists in the matters of  occupation safety
  • Others

Process of obtaining a Permit to perform hazardous works

The Client sends the desired list of works to the company by courier or e-mail.

After reaching an agreement on the cost and procedure of payment for services to obtain a Permit, the Client sends the company an agreed package of documents. Within the terms agreed with the Client, the company sends the form of the Permit.
We can always adjust to your mode for a more comfortable mode of cooperation.

We appreciate Your and our time, and therefore we will solve all your questions as quickly as possible, and most importantly - effectively.

Our firm successfully works in the market of Ukraine more than 10 years and specialises on reception of allowing documents of the most different kinds and categories. We know what we do and how to achieve a positive result in record time.

If You wish to obtain Permit to perform hazardous works fast and easy - call us!

mportant to know about high risk work permi


We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Marina Losenko
Koval Olha
Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Junior lawyer