Registration of a religious organization in Ukraine
Cost of services
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What we offer
- we consult a Client on the matters connected with procedure of creation of a religious organization in Kyiv or in the Kyiv region, including on the matters concerning the minimal number of organization members and requirements for them;
- we prepare the preliminary meeting of the pastor with the registration authority for discussing the question of religious direction of the organization;
- we prepare the package of documents for registration, including the corporate charter, the protocol about creation of religious organization, the notarized document confirming the use of address;
- we register the corporate charter of religious organization at the local authorities;
- we enter the data about organization in the unified state register;
- we get unprofitability status for religious organization.
Documents for registration of religious organization (Eparchy, center, community)
Each applicant, a future member of religious organization, should provide a photocopy of all pages of his/her passport.
The right for use of specific premises for allocation of religious organization is to be provided by its owners in form of a notarized document. With that, the proprietary right of the person who provided the permission will be checked, too.
The information required for registration of religious organization is its future name, information about pastor or other person who will manage the organization, the structure of internal collegiate bodies, procedure of admission and exclusion of members, and other information.
Cost and period of registration of religious organization
Basic cost of registration of religious organization includes a standard set of actions specified in the “What we do” section which is sufficient for registration.
The period of full registration of religious organization is up to 3 months.
In case the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine requests an additional conclusion, so that period will increase for 2 months.
Our successful projects
In case with religious missions, 3 religious communities are to be created for their registration, after that a religious center is to be created, and only after that it will be possible to register a mission.
Religious organizations can be founders of other enterprises and establishments that are legal entities.
Registration of public organization or charity fund does not give the righs provided by the law for religious organizations.
Religious organization
Religious community gets a status of a legal entity from the moment the ten citizens perform the state registration of its statute or corporate charter at the regional state administration or at the municipal administration (for Kyiv and Sevastopol).Corporate charter or statute of religious center, administration, monastery, religious brotherhood, mission and religious educational establishments are to be submitted for registration at the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine After the corporate charter is registered by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the State Registration Service of Ukraine enters the information in the state register.
Religious organizations are created in form of:
- religious community (it is not necessary to notify the government authorities about creation of community);
- administration and center;
- monastery;
- religious brotherhood;
- missionary society (religious mission);
- religious educational establishment;
- union consisting of various registered religious organizations.
Labor agreements are made between the organization and citizens who work in it (including clergymen).
Donations and incomes of religious organizations are not subject to tax.
Procedure of registration of religious organization
After the form of religious organization is agreed with the Client, an agreement about providing services with the specified terms and cost of services for registration of religious organization is made, and also a transfer and acceptance certificate of the required package of documents is signed.The specialists of the Company conduct all actions required for registration of religious organization, after which a Client gets the complete package of documents for the religious organization registered in Ukraine.