Confirmation of the child's citizenship in Ukraine

Cost of services

from 12 000 UAH
Confirmation of the child's citizenship in Ukraine
Based on 200 reviews in Google

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What we offer

  • Analyze the documents and information provided by the Client to confirm the child’s citizenship in Ukraine;

  • Prepare a list of documents required to confirm the child’s citizenship in Ukraine and obtain a certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine for a person whose parents or one of the parents were citizens of Ukraine at the time of birth;

  • Submit the application and the package of documents together with the legal representative of the child (parent, guardian or custodian);

  • Get a positive decision from the Main Department of the SMS; 

  • Obtain a certificate of citizenship confirmation for the legal applicant.


Documents required

List of documents
Child’s birth certificate
Child’s birth certificate
Passport of a parent who is a citizen of Ukraine
Passport of a parent who is a citizen of Ukraine

In order to confirm the citizenship of Ukraine, the child needs to get the appropriate certificate. To do this, the Client needs to provide our lawyers with the following documents:

  • The child's birth certificate – to confirm the child’s citizenship of Ukraine;

  • The Ukrainian parent’s passport – to establish connection between the parents and the child;

  • The parents’ residence permit in Ukraine – if parents are not citizens of Ukraine, but the child was born on the territory of Ukraine.

The package of documents may also vary, depending on the basis for obtaining citizenship. For example, if the child of foreigners or stateless persons hasn’t obtained citizenship at birth, it is necessary to provide a Certificate of Non Citizen Nationality.

Please note! To confirm the citizenship of a child in Ukraine, at least one of the parents must be present when submitting documents.

Conditions for obtaining confirmation of Ukrainian citizenship for a child with us

We can offer you a convenient mode of work, depending on the amount of legal services that you need:

  • Only development of a package of documents with further submission on your own;

  • Development of documents and monitoring of their consideration in the migration service;

  • Full legal support of the procedure for confirming the child’s citizenship in Ukraine with the subsequent registration of the place of residence.

We can also influence the terms of the citizenship confirmation in Ukraine, which is stipulated separately. 

If necessary, we send a legal inquiry to clarify the stage of the case.

During our cooperation we sign a legal services agreement with the Client, the price of which is agreed at the start of our work and does not change anymore. We save your time, and help to achieve your goal in the easiest and safest way.

Service packages offers

from 200 USD
  • Study of the client's situation, analysis of available documents
  • Development of the optimal option, warning about possible risks
  • Analysis of issues regarding:
  • the list of required documents
  • application procedure in Ukraine and abroad for confirmation of Ukrainian citizenship
  • exit of the child from foreign citizenship
  • procedure for obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine/citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad for a child
  • organization of registration of the child's place of residence in Ukraine
from 600 USD
  • Consultation and analysis of documents, establishment of grounds for obtaining citizenship
  • Preparation of documents to confirm the child's citizenship
  • Organization of obtaining extracts from the DRATS, translation of documents in accordance with legislation, drafts of statements/declarations/commitments in Ukrainian
  • Organization of submission of documents to the State Migration Service/Consulate (remotely)
  • Obtaining a certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine
  • Consulting on exiting foreign citizenship (if necessary)
  • Preparation of documents for obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine/a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travel abroad
  • Obtaining a passport of a citizen of Ukraine
  • Organization of registration of the child's place of residence
*the cost may reach 2000 USD depending on the Client's situation, the number of translations, the need to send requests, etc. The final cost will be formed before the start of work with the client.

How much does it cost to confirm a child’s citizenship in Ukraine?

The cost of confirming a child’s citizenship will depend on the extent to which the Client will need legal services (e.g., whether the preparation of documents or support in the State Migration Service authorities will be necessary). The exact cost can be found in the service packages on the service page or you can check it with our specialists.

The state fee for confirming a child’s citizenship is UAH 300.

In practice, the period for confirming the child’s citizenship in Ukraine is 4 months from the date of filing the documents.

We provide services for all cities and towns of Ukraine. You can contact our lawyers in any way convenient for you.

You don’t need to visit our office – we can do everything remotely. This, first of all, saves your energy and time.

We can also help with obtaining other permits, such as temporary and permanent residence permits.

Why us

Advice on all services for foreigners
Advice on all services for foreigners
We provide all necessary consultations on legal stay in Ukraine and obtaining citizenship. We also represent the Client’s interests in the authorities of the State Migration Service of Ukraine and accompany our Clients during the visit to the state authorities.
Full documentation
Full documentation
We will assist in making applications and other documents for the establishment, registration and verification of citizenship in Ukrainian, admission to Ukrainian citizenship, registration of the acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship, withdrawal from Ukrainian citizenship.
Full legal support of the child’s citizenship recognition proceedings
Full legal support of the child’s citizenship recognition proceedings
We provide assistance in preparing and sending statements of claim to the court to establish legally significant facts of residence of a person on the territory of Ukraine. We also represent the Client’s interests in the courts on matters of citizenship, including cases of appealing against illegal actions (inaction) of public authorities, as well as their unlawful decisions. We provide full legal support of these cases until the final decision.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

Our successful projects

Received a certificate confirming the citizenship of Ukraine for a child in 2021
Helped to obtain a certificate of registration of a person as a citizen of Ukraine for a child of US citizens

Pursuant to Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On Citizenship”, the birth certificate is not a document confirming Ukrainian citizenship. Such a document can be a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for travelling abroad (before and after 16 years old), as well as a passport of a citizen of Ukraine (after 16 years old).

The fact of the confirmation of citizenship of Ukraine is a certificate of registration of the person as a citizen of Ukraine. This certificate will need to be kept until the child is 16 years old, it makes it possible to obtain a passport of Ukraine.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of the confirmation of citizenship for the child and his/her family?

If your child becomes a citizen of Ukraine, you, as a father, grandparents and other close relatives, can apply for a permit to immigrate to Ukraine and obtain a residence permit. After 5 years of permanent residency in Ukraine, your whole family will be able to apply for Ukrainian citizenship. In addition, by obtaining Ukrainian citizenship for your child, your child gets the right to free education and medical care in the country.

If one parent is a Ukrainian and the other is a foreigner, is it necessary to confirm citizenship of Ukraine for the child?

If a foreigner has a child born in Ukraine, the parents may choose the child’s citizenship. Your child can be either a citizen of Ukraine or a citizen of the foreign parent’s country of origin.

How to confirm the child`s citizenship in Ukraine and why to do it?

The purpose of the procedure for confirming Ukrainian citizenship is to document the fact of a natural person’s Ukrainian citizenship.

The procedure for confirming (registration) of Ukrainian citizenship by birth is called registration of Ukrainian citizenship by birth.

The document, confirming the acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship by birth, is a certificate of registration of a person as a citizen of Ukraine.

To obtain a certificate of registration as a citizen of Ukraine, persons who are citizens of Ukraine by birth need to collect the documents confirming the acquisition of Ukrainian citizenship and contact the Pravova Dopomoga Law Firm. Qualified migration law specialists of our company will represent your interests at the State Migration Service of Ukraine or accompany you when submitting documents.

Our lawyers will not only help with the confirmation of Ukrainian citizenship, but also provide assistance in solving other migration problems and issues in Ukraine. We will provide you and your family with a legal right to reside in Ukraine.

If you need to register citizenship of your child - don’t hesitate to contact our company! By ordering our legal services for confirming your child’s citizenship, you can be confident that the procedure will be as quick and trouble-free as possible. As a result, you will achieve your goal without spending too much time, effort and money.

Our publications on this matter

Our team

Ivanna Stefanchyshena
Assistant of the Lawyer