Buy a "clean" financial company in Ukraine: legal advice

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Buy a financial institution
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Business in the financial sector has always been, is and will be a promising area for people who want to increase their investments.

We, as a legal company, not only register companies, include them in the register of financial institutions and obtain the necessary license according to a certain type of activity, but we can also significantly simplify the whole procedure for you: we can offer you a financial company for purchase that is immediately ready for conducting business activity. 

Such a solution may save you time so that you can start your business right now, but we note that everything depends on your individual desires and your capabilities. 

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What is a financial institution? 

A financial institution (company) is a legal entity that has been registered and obtained all the necessary permits required by law to provide one or more types of financial services.

Depending on the type of activity, all financial institutions can be divided into banking and non-banking establishments, and if the first category is clear, the non-banking institutions can be classified as follows: 

  • credit unions;
  • pawnshops;
  • leasing companies;
  • trust companies;
  • insurance companies;
  • contributory pension institutions;
  • investment funds and other legal entities, which are engaged exclusively in providing financial services, and in cases directly defined by law - other services (operations) related to provision of financial services.

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Are you thinking of registering a financial company from scratch? 

If you want to master the whole procedure and conduct it yourself, even if supported by experienced lawyers, you should remember that the establishment of a financial institution does not take place in one stage. 

Before you start your business, you will have to go through not 2, but at least 3 stages, and this does not include all the auxiliary steps without which you will not be able to start your own financial business.  

Stage 1. The institution must undergo the state registration. At this stage you need to prepare all the documents, including a properly written and drawn up charter. Please see our recommendations here.

Stage 2. To obtain the financial company status, your pre-registered company must also be registered as a financial institution, i.e. it must be included in the register of financial institutions. This register is now maintained by the National Bank of Ukraine

You can check the documents required for the procedure according to our checklist here.

Only after these two steps, you will be able to consider your organization as a financial institution, and therefore apply for licenses for different types of activities, depending on the type of services you want to render. 

Stage 3. This stage is the direct selection of the right license for you and obtainment of the license. 

You can check the documents required for the procedure according to our checklist.

What are the benefits of buying a shelf financial company? 

Speaking about the advantages of a ready-made financial company, we can highlight the following:

  • Saving time. Not to mention the need to undergo all three stages, only the first 2 stages take from 2 months. And should we say that due to the change of the licensing authority, in this case the National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets was replaced with the NBU, the process may take longer until the system is clearly established. 
  • The alternative of choice. In contrast to buying a company already with a certain financial license, for example, a license for factoring, leasing or insurance, you have the right and opportunity to choose which license you would like to obtain in the future. 
  • Lower financial costs. Obviously, buying a shelf financial company will save you money, because the license of such a company will significantly increase its cost. 

Important: New Finance Licensing Authority

What do you need to buy a financial company? 

The purchase of such a company is an absolutely simple procedure. 

It is not complicated, but certainly responsible. When choosing a company, we always advise you to remember that, to our great regret, there are many unscrupulous “entrepreneurs” on the market, and before entering into a purchase and sale agreement, you need to check: 

  • whether the company is listed in the register of financial institutions; 
  • whether it has any debts or accrued penalties; 
  • whether it has previously conducted any business activity, and if so, whether it was “clean” and reported?

All these issues need to be clarified from the get-go in order not to solve the problems that may arise in the future. 

The companies offered for purchase by our firm are registered by our lawyers from scratch and have been transferred to noone. They haven’t conducted any business activity, and all registration documents can be obtained and checked before purchasing.

If you have found a financial company of another seller, but want to be 100% sure of the safety of such a transaction - we can offer our services for checking the company and the counterparty before purchase.

If you want to buy a shelf financial company, don’t hesitate to contact us. We will take care of a safe and quick launch of your business.

Publication date: 11/09/2020

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