Comments on legislation

It is possible to present information about one’s firm and avoid payment for location of outdoor advertising by means of using informational signs and signboards
According to current legislation of Ukraine, a foreign economic agreement (contract) is an agreement of substantive issues between/amongst two or more entities conducting foreign economic activities with their foreign counterparts, directed at establishment, change or termination of their reciprocal rights and obligations while conducting foreign economic activities
The basis for legal regulation of Intellectual property rights consists of internal regulatory legal acts and a number of international agreements ratified by Ukraine (the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 1952, the Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms of 1971)
General assessment of the investment climate in Ukraine, legal regulation of investment activitis and other aspects of investments in Ukraine
A Representative office is a duly authorized institution or person which represents the interests of a foreign economic entity in Ukraine
A Natural Person (Entrepreneur) is the most common and accessible organizational form to conduct entrepreneurial activity due to the simplicity of its organization, bookkeeping and tax accounting and reporting, and the ability to use hired labor etc
On the very first days of the year many electronic mass media spread information about New Year “gift” of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. It was informed that it was possible to avoid payment of parking fee if a parking lot was not equipped with parking machines
Comments on state registration of limited liability company in Ukraine
A legal person’s registered office is a factual place of business where day-to-day management of a legal person and its record-keeping is conducted
Investment is comprised of practical actions of citizens, legal persons, and states aimed at investing assets (funds)  into companies or organizations in order to make profit or achieve other benefits
Depending on the specifics of a business and kind of activity persons who plan to establish their own business in Ukraine or those who already conduct it may need their employees who are not the citizens of Ukraine to reside in Ukraine permanently or temporarily. For such a stay they will need to obtain a permanent or temporary residence permit
Ukrainian legislation provides regulations regarding foreign and stateless persons’ arrival onto, departure from and transit through the territory Ukraine. These rules apply to all foreign and stateless persons, entering Ukraine, regardless of their status and purpose of arrival