Legislation news & FAQ

Where can you get a Medical License? Who can you apply to obtain a Medical License?
What is said about the new 5th group of single tax for IT industry workers? How can the imposition of a new tax group have an impact on work and activities of IT sphere?
What is a space declaration? What should you expect in regards of space industry in Ukraine?
New changes in the licensing of activities on manufacture, repair and sale of non-military weapons. Find out more!
How can the implementation of a new system affect the account management concerning your activities? Find out more!
Innovations according to the Law “On State Financial Guarantees of Public Healthcare Service” in terms of voluntary accreditation.

Peculiarities of regulatory innovations regarding a Unified Register of Medical Examinations.


Innovation related to the Law dated May 17, 2018, which regulates the transplantation of human anatomic material.

On the 14th of March 2018 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by its Resolution no. 178 changed the procedure of registration (re-registration) of disinfectants in Ukraine...
Ministry of Health cancelled old paper forms for doctors...

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine defines requirements for installation of X-ray equipment in dentists’ cabinets in its new Order dated the 22th of November 2017 no. 1126.

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allowed state and municipaly owned medical establishments to charge for services involving telemedicine