Tax law of Ukraine

The lawyers of our company approach to the solution of your problem with knowledge and practical skills not only in the field of taxation, but also in economic, civil, corporate and labor law.

As a result of cooperation with our law firm, you get professional tax planning and optimization of business taxation. We also provide legal support and assistance in tax dispute resolution.

We can help you find the correct and commercially efficient solutions for your business activities and various transactions in both domestic and international markets.

  • Advice on all kinds of taxes and fees;
  • Ensure tax planning and tax optimization;
  • Develop tax planning for corporate rights and real estate transactions;
  • Provide legal audit of tax issues;
  • Represent interests before the state authorities of all levels, as well as in courts of all instances in disputes with fiscal authorities;
  • Provide legal assistance during tax audits;
  • Appeal against the tax notifications-decisions (TND);
  • Advice on the place of registration (territory and jurisdiction), business structure;
  • Provide legal assistance during the registration with the state tax authorities;
  • Consult on the application of international agreements for the avoidance of double taxation, repatriation of income, international financing and refinancing;
  • Provide assistance in obtaining individual tax advice.

Consultation of a lawyer on tax law

It is extremely difficult to understand the intricacies of tax law in Ukraine on your own. Legal norms are stated in a convoluted way, so you cannot do without the help of a qualified lawyer.

Our company specialists provide several types of consultations, the cost of which varies depending on the time spent on the analytical work of the lawyer, the complexity of the issue and the amount of information you need. 

So, at the introductory consultation, the specialist answers basic questions about the service, and also tells:

  • What steps are included in the procedure;

  • How much does the service you need cost;

  • How long it will take to achieve your goal.

If you are planning to proceed on your own and need step-by-step instructions, or your issue is complex and requires detailed work, order a Road Map. Our lawyer will analyze your situation and provide a step-by-step algorithm of actions.

The cost of introductory consultation and Road Map is included in the price of the service or legal support, if you order them in our company.

What we do

Select the service you are interested in
Tax optimization and tax planning in Ukraine (Digital Nomad)
  • Analysis of the client’s business model for the fiscal risks;

  • Recommendations for minimizing these risks; 

  • Proposals for restructuring the current business model and transactional flows;

  • Implementation of a coordinated restructuring scheme aimed at eliminating the existing problems;

  • Consulting on formation of “source of origin history”, tax amnesty of capital, support of the client’s participation in the tax amnesty campaign in Ukraine; 

  • Planning of tax residency of individuals: criteria for determining the tax residency of an individual in a particular country; tax burden in the selected country; opportunities to offset taxes paid abroad. 

Additional services include:

Assistance in selecting a jurisdiction for business relocation: 

  • an overview of the criteria to be used in selecting the right jurisdiction; 

  • analysis of applicable taxation in the selected jurisdiction (income tax, etc.); 

  • ways of financing a new company and possibilities for repatriation of profits (criteria for application of reduced tax rate on repatriation); 

  • recommendations for ensuring a “minimum level of economic presence” in the country of registration; 

  • structuring of trade flows (VAT and its reimbursement, customs clearance of goods in the EU).

Full support for business relocation to another country, including tax planning: 

  • company registration; 

  • supporting the process of relocation of personnel (conclusion of employment agreements, etc.);

  • opening a bank account; 

  • determining the risks for your company in the process of relocation;

  • further full support of commercial activities of the company (development of business contracts, ensuring their compliance with local legislation, coordination with counterparties, etc.). 

Advising on the CFC in Ukraine: 

  • analysis of functional load of foreign companies, type of income, taxes paid in another country in order to make a decision on the possibility of CFC profit exemption in Ukraine; 

  • recommendations for restructuring the client’s business model in order to adapt it to the new requirements of Ukrainian legislation; 

  • assistance with CFC profit declaration in Ukraine and tax calculation.

CFC: Submission of notification and report in Ukraine
  • Providing guidance on determining tax residency for individuals and the obligation to declare and pay taxes on Controlled Foreign Companies (CFCs), whether it arises in Ukraine or potentially in another country due to an individual's relocation amidst war.

  • Assessing the number of CFCs controlled by an individual and addressing the possibility of exempting them from taxation in Ukraine.

  • Offering expert consultancy on the taxation of controlled foreign companies in Ukraine: assisting in accurately identifying the controller, advising on potential tax exemptions, helping calculate the taxable base, and forecasting the tax liabilities in Ukraine (considering applicable legal adjustments). Informing about the controller's responsibilities, including the preparation and submission of CFC reports, among other aspects.

  • Assisting in preparing and submitting notifications for controlled foreign companies (to be filed within 60 days of establishing a CFC, changing ownership stakes, altering control mechanisms, or liquidating a CFC, etc.).

  • Providing support in completing and filing the CFC report by the deadline of May 1st each year following the reporting period.

  • Helping with the completion and submission of an abbreviated CFC report if a full report is not feasible or if the company's financial statement deadlines do not align with the filing requirements in Ukraine.

  • Assisting with the filing of amended or new CFC reports as necessary.

Furthermore, we offer comprehensive services for the support and annual maintenance of foreign companies, including assistance with opening bank accounts and the preparation and management of financial statements.

Legal service of appeal against tax violation notification letters in Ukraine

Our lawyers implement 2 variants of appeal:

1. Administrative appeal – appeal of tax violation notification letter at tax administration.

It includes: drafting of appeal and its filing. This variant of appeal is not used very often due to the fact that in most cases it is unpromising;

2. Litigation – court procedure of appeal against tax audit report.

It includes: drafting of administrative claim as well as representation of Client during court hearings. In most such cases litigation is the procedure that should be relied on since it is an effective mechanism of rights protection.

Service of individual tax clarifications obtainment in Ukraine

Service packages offers

from 5000 UAH
  • Advising on taxation in Ukraine of individuals and legal entities
  • Legal analysis of individual transactions and business schemes of clients in order to identify possible tax risks
  • Advising on accounting in tax authorities and filing tax and statistical reports
from 15000 UAH
  • Advising on taxation in Ukraine of individuals and legal entities
  • Advising on taxation of foreign representative offices
  • Legal analysis of registration of separate transactions and business schemes of Clients for the purpose of identification of possible tax risks, and also check of the account of business operations for the purpose of minimization of tax burden
  • Advising on accounting in tax authorities and filing tax and statistical reports
  • Development of separate documents on economic activity taking into account their tax consequences
  • Preparation of substantiated inquiries to controlling bodies and providing answers to them
  • Advising on taxation both in Ukraine and abroad
  • Legal analysis of individual transactions and business models of Clients in order to identify possible tax risks, as well as verification of business transactions to minimize the tax burden
  • Development of optimal business schemes taking into account tax consequences (tax planning of operations)
  • Development of separate documents on economic activity taking into account their tax consequences
  • Support of the Client in legal relations with tax authorities (preparation of substantiated inquiries to controlling bodies and providing answers to them, support of tax inspections)
  • Resolution of tax disputes of any complexity (appeal of tax notices-decisions, representation of the Client's interests in litigation)

Tax consulting in Kyiv and other regions of Ukraine

Our company’s tax lawyer always monitors even the slightest changes in tax legislation. On the one hand, tax law in Ukraine can be often amended, and on the other hand, it will directly affect the functioning of any enterprise.

The problem is that economic agents may not even know about the changes that have occurred and may not suspect that tax rate or any other conditions have changed. However, state tax authorities charge fines in any case.

We will provide you with all the necessary information so that you can safely continue your business without unnecessary stress and extra expenses.

When working with us, you can always bank on:

  • Reliability. 
  • Target-oriented, rather than task-oriented approach. 
  • Deep legal expertise of our lawyers. 
  • Tax liability minimization.
  • Accessibility

Effective Tax Dispute Resolution: Our Expertise

Tax disputes can pose a significant challenge for any business. Regardless of your business's form or type, the legal team at Pravova Dopomoga Law Firm, with over 18 years of experience in tax law, is here to help. We offer a comprehensive approach to resolving tax issues, providing tailored solutions for each client, and ensuring your business's security and success.

Our specialists stay updated with constantly changing tax legislation, continually enhancing their knowledge to keep up with the latest developments. Our lawyers have a proven track record in resolving complex tax situations and have helped many clients achieve successful outcomes. We provide not only prompt responses to tax issues but also preventive strategies to minimize risks before they arise.

Well-designed tax optimization schemes and their implementation can significantly increase your business's profitability and reduce time spent dealing with tax authorities. The tax lawyer of our company:

  • Provides legal advice, including legal support of your firm in this area;

  • Provides assistance in resolving tax disputes;

  • Provides all the necessary information to better understand the situation;

  • Calculates all the potential risks.

By choosing our law firm, you gain reliable protection and support for any tax-related matters. Contact us today to ensure peace of mind and confidence in your business's future!

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

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