Legal support in Ukraine



A full or partial outsourcing of legal support of a company’s activities (in Kiev or Ukraine).

Legal service of Ukrainian firms is a full complex of services on the decision of all legal questions of the Client during the period of cooperation.

We have been providing legal services of legal outsourcing for firms and organizations that belong to different sectors of economy for over 4 years. This allows us to develop truly convenient approaches to work for us and our Clients. We also offer accounting outsourcing services in Ukraine.

For every company we appoint a specialist who is responsible for its legal support in general. Through him our Clients keep in touch with our firm that allows us to communicate effectively and make decisions quickly.

At the same time the specific task of external legal support is executed by the most competent in the subject firm’s lawyer. This allows us to perform legal support of business with the highest expertise.

One of the main areas of work of our company is to help foreign businesses enter the Ukrainian market.

You can see our offer for foreign Сlients here.

Cost of services:

from 1400 USD/month
Legal support of business
from 300 USD
Company without activity
На основе 500 отзывов в Google

Reviews of our Clients

What we do

Select the service you are interested in
Legal support for charitable organizations in Kiev
  • choosing the form of a charitable organization that best suits the founders' interest (in Ukraine, they can be registered as a charitable company, a charitable foundation or a charitable institution);

  • elaboration of the charitable organization's constituent documents, allowing the founder/founders to be confident in their control over the organization and its activity;

  • advising on the taxation of benefactors and beneficiaries;

  • obtaining the non-profit status;

  • inclusion into the register of volunteer organizations;

  • personnel and accounting services for charitable organizations 

  • immigration consultations and obtaining documents (work permits, residence permits)

  • legal support for fundraising mechanisms;

  • drafting agreements, providing written and oral consultations on the application of Ukrainian legislation.  

Legal support for NGOs in Ukraine (organizations and unions)
  • providing with documents for foundation of NGO in Ukraine or changes in the current documents with the following support in the state bodies;
  • legal support of  attracting money to NGOs and all expenses of the organization;
  • providing legal help for NGO;
  • legal advices on all activities of NGOs (including advices on commercial activity of NGO in Ukraine).
Legal support of a foreign company office in Ukraine
  • complete registration of a foreign company’s representative office in Ukraine, or support of its individual stages;
  • consulting on taxation issues, namely: avoidance of double taxation, application of regular prices and elaboration of optimal tax schemes of interaction between the headquarters and the Ukrainian representative office; 
  • presence during tax audits of the foreign representative office;
  • registration of labor relations with representative office personnel, including legalization of their legal stay in Ukraine, i.e. invitations, service cards, work permits and residence permits;
  • obtainment of the necessary permits and approvals in Ukraine (our company provides legal services for obtaining licenses for representative offices);
  • other (contractual work, debt collection, tender support, registration of trademarks, communication with law enforcement authorities and other legal services).


Protection of the intellectual property rights infringed by clone websites in Ukraine
  • monitoring of the Ukrainian segment of Internet for detection of infringements of intellectual property rights on websites that copy the Client’s original website/the content;
  • identification of owners of clone websites;
  • analysis of Client’s documents that confirm the intellectual property rights for a certain object, for example, a trade mark, product picture, etc.;
  • selecting an optimal form of cooperation with an infringer, writing letters, claims;
  • engagement of the third parties, hosting providers, search systems (for example, application of the DMCA procedure for the Google search engine);
  • cessation of infringements in a judicial procedure.
Legal business support of veterinary clinics
  • Obtain a Veterinary Medicine License (if necessary);
  • Provide assistance in opening new business locations;
  • Provide legal support for a long-term lease agreement conclusion;
  • Develop personnel documentation (employment orders, orders of dismissal, transfer orders, employment agreements, job descriptions);
  • Provide legal support when signing agreements with the Clients and veterinary medicines suppliers;
  • Provide advice and answers to legal questions related to veterinary business;
  • Provide legal support and assistance in passing inspections;
  • Protect the interests of the veterinary institution and/or a specific employee at court
Accounting support for companies
  • clarification of the current legislation in the field of accounting;

  • consulting on planned, new tax changes;

  • elaboration of a scheme of bookkeeping;

  • setting up an accounting system from scratch and development of accounting policies;

  • restoration of accounting (as a result of data loss, lack of accounting);

  • tax planning for non-standard situations;

  • monitoring the completeness of the payment of taxes in a personal account of the taxpayer;

  • interaction with controlling bodies;

  • accounting support, payroll accounting, reporting, etc;

  • performance of express, thematic audits of accounting and tax accounting of a company;

  • audit of the accounting processes for the purpose of their further automation;

  • consulting and support in developing the business plan;

  • consulting and support in developing the financial model of the company;

  • support during inspections by regulatory authorities, and much more.

Legal support for IT companies in Ukraine
  • Assist in starting a business in Ukraine by registering it and selecting the appropriate taxation system;

  • Advise on the taxation of IT business;

  • Analyze and draw up contracts in the field of IT, including software development contracts. For example, waterfall and agile;

  • Prepare responses to inquiries from the supervisory authorities, and if necessary, represent the Client before government agencies;

  • Provide accounting services, including the accrual of employee salaries, resolve personnel issues with employees working remotely, help with the reporting;

  • Assist with registration as a Diia City resident, advise the lawyer and accountant on the benefits of migration to Diia City for the IT company;

  • Develop gig contracts and other documents for Diia City;

  • Advise on copyright and other legal issues that may arise in the course of business of an IT company.

Legal support of investment projects in Ukraine
  • Verify the potential recipient of the investment or investor;

  • Determine the safest legal mechanism for investing;

  • Optimize the taxation of the investor and the recipient of the investment;

  • Develop/verify investment agreement, other necessary documents;

  • negotiate with the parties, finalize the investment agreement;

  • Suggest the best way of getting investments into Ukraine;

  • Provide assistance with import of products/equipment to Ukraine;

  • Arrange visits to notaries/registrars, banks;

  • Help to obtain the missing permits;

  • Structure the work of the recipient of the investment, if necessary;

  • Register companies, ensure restructuring (if required by the investment project);

  • Provide full legal support of the investment project; 

  • Supervise the work of the investment recipient;

  • Represent interests of the investor at controlling bodies;

  • Develop a legal mechanism of return on investment and profitability.

Legal support for start-up projects in Ukraine
  • Analyze any agreements, including investment contracts;

  • Provide assistance in regulating partnership legal relations between business founders and/or investors;

  • Provide legal advice on business registration, structuring, tax optimization, labor relations, etc;

  • Register a start-up company, trademark, copyrights;

  • Provide assistance in drawing up labor relations with the personnel;

  • Help obtain the necessary permits and licenses for the start-up;

  • Develop a system of document management, and provide legal support to the business in the conclusion and execution of agreements;

  • Assist with the acquisition of property, property rights and other assets needed for the start-up;

  • Answer a variety of legal issues that arise during the start-up’s operations;

  • Provide accounting support for the start-up (filing reports, payroll, vacation formalities, etc.);

  • If necessary, we represent interests in court and other state authorities.

  • Provide legal assistance for attracting investors.

  • Assisting with legal preparation for attracting investors; 
  • Assisting with business relocation to the EU;
  • Providing consultations on taxation in various jurisdictions;
  • Providing services for obtaining a Temporary Residence Permit for foreigners in Ukraine.


Legal support of Internet projects in Ukraine
  • Determine whether there is a direct legal regulation of the sphere of your Internet project;
  • Help you choose a contractual model with contractors for your Internet project, analyze current documents and relationships for legality and possible risks;
  • Provide legal support for tax issues of your Internet projects. We help with calculation and estimation of tax burden;
  • Provide legal support of personal data protection at the enterprise for your Internet project;
  • Help to establish relations between the owners of the project;
  • Help with legal support of raising funds for your Internet project;
  • Help with the correct execution of intellectual property rights;
  • In future, we can provide accounting and legal support for your Internet project business.
Service for outstaffing companies in Ukraine
  • Provide assistance in starting an outstaffing company for your business project; 
  • Provide legal support and assistance (service) for an outstaffing company in Ukraine;
  • Help with optimization of tax burden of an outstaffing company;
  • Organize personnel accounting and employment of staff;
  • Organize accounting, provide our accountants for the outstaffing company using the outstaffing model;
  • Take over the interaction with your counterparties;
  • Provide project support to the company;
  • Monitor the current activity of the company;
  • Take on communication with employees of your company;
  • Provide legal support and assistance during inspections carried out by regulating authority of the servicing company;
  • Provide a legal address for postal services;
  • Provide our director for remote work of the company.









Open a restaurant business in Kyiv
  • Advise on starting a restaurant business in Kyiv, as well as on the choice of a company type;

  • Inspect the real estate (restaurant premises) in the case of purchase, as well as provide legal support to the purchase/sale transaction;

  • Develop a Road Map based on the Client’s request (a step-by-step guide to starting the food outlet) ;

  • Prepare a full package of documents required to Fire Inspection Authorities, a license for retail trade in alcohol and tobacco products, and others;

  • Assist with obtaining permits and licenses for retail trade in alcohol and tobacco products;

  • Assist with facility registration;

  • Assist with the selection of a collective management organization and the conclusion of an agreement with it for the use of musical works and phonograms in the institution;

  • assisting with the placement of signage, as well as obtaining permission to place advertising;

  • Develop internal documentation of the company needed for this type of business activity (employment agreements, health and safety documentation, etc.), etc.

Accompanying the import of goods to Ukraine
  • Assistance with the preparation of the agreement, taking into account the peculiarities important for the Ukrainian customs and tax authorities;

  • Preparation of documents for payment for goods;

  • Control of documents at the stage of preparation, their adjustment;

  • Search for transport and logistics of transportation of goods;

  • Preparation and submission of preliminary customs declaration for border crossing;

  • Preparation and submission of a general arrival declaration;

  • Analysis of shipping documents for import into Ukraine;

  • Establishing the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activity (the UCGFEA) code and preparation of information on the goods;

  • Obtaining licenses and permits for import or export of goods;

  • Carrying out customs clearance of goods in Ukraine;

  • Obtaining a conclusion on the extension of the maximum deadline for the settlements (if necessary).

Protecting the interests of an industrial consumer of electrical energy
  • we help in resolving disputes with operators of electricity distribution/transmission systems and suppliers;
  • we assist in the conclusion of contracts necessary for the purchase of electricity on an industrial scale and its transportation;
  • we analyze the terms of contracts and provide recommendations on the possibility of their acceptance by the consumer;
  • we analyze the requirements of system operators and provide the Client with a conclusion about their validity and recommendations for his further actions;
  • we help with disconnection of power supply to large consumers;
  • we help in connecting the electrical installation to the networks of the system operator or other consumer;
  • provide qualified advice on controversial and current issues;
  • draw up complaints, statements, appeals;
  • we receive clarifications from regulatory authorities on a specific situation that has developed with the Client.
Legal support of advertising campaigns
  • Analyzing promotional materials and checking for compliance with legal requirements;

  • Providing recommendations and suggestions for changes in promotional materials in accordance with the legislation on advertising;

  • Preparing, coordinating and signing a package of documents needed to work with persons involved in advertising (directors, actors, editing and others);

  • Preparing, coordinating and signing the necessary permits from individuals who are involved in the advertising;

  • Accompanying the client in negotiations with partners, stars and other persons involved in the advertising campaign; 

  • Analyzing the risks and advising on ways to avoid legal risks associated with advertising;

  • Advising on compliance with intellectual property laws;

  • Assistance to clients during inspections carried out by controlling authorities;

  • Full legal support of the advertising campaign.

Automation and robotization of accounting processes in Ukraine
  • Analyzing accounting policies and chart of accounts;

  • Analyzing methodological documentation (e.g., regulations on document management, regulations on business travel, other internal policies in terms of accounting / management accounting);

  • Analyzing the current accounting processes (bookkeeping/management accounting);

  • Analyzing the organizational structure of the accounting department;

  • Providing advice and recommendations on improvement / change of accounting processes;

  • Analyzing the current accounting system and document processing tools;

  • Identifying bottlenecks in accounting processes and the accounting system;

  • Developing new accounting processes that fit into the company’s overall process ecosystem;

  • Drawing up a roadmap for changes in accounting processes;

  • Developing a “working” organizational structure for the accounting service;

  • Drawing up terms of reference for setting tasks for IT specialists;

  • Testing the results of the work of IT-specialists;

  • Providing support and authorial supervision.

Legal services for medical institutions
  • Legal audit of the documentation of a medical center;

  • Consultations on opening or acquiring a medical institution;

  • Preparation of founding documents and further support in registration and obtaining a medical license;

  • Legal support of the medical center after receiving the license;

  • Consultations on working with people with disabilities and obtaining documents verifying accessibility for people with limited mobility to the medical institution’s building;

  • Preparation of key legal documents for the operation of the medical center;

  • Representation of the medical center's interests at the Ministry of Health;

  • Representation of the institution's interests in courts of all instances;

  • Preparation of responses to inquiries from lawyers, law enforcement agencies, and citizens;

  • Analysis of the situation and development of a strategy for handling patient grievances;

  • Masterclass on the conduct of medical staff during interrogations and more.

Start a business abroad

Business relocation: 

  • Assistance with the choice of a country for the relocation of an existing business, based on the essence of the client's business, its goals, and needs, as well as the geography of clients; 
  • Development of a relocation strategy: analysis of legislation in terms of regulatory requirements that may be imposed on investors (minimum amount of investment in the company, licenses, etc.); 
  • Recommendations on the choice of legal structure for business relocation: establishment of the new company from the scratch (a subsidiary of the Ukrainian legal entity), setting up a branch office, registration of the permanent establishment; 
  • Planning of expenses for the maintenance of the business abroad (taking into account expenses on annual renewal of the company, office maintenance, salaries of the employees, etc.);
  • Assistance in personnel relocation from Ukraine: selection of the most optimal form of labor relations (employment agreement vs. civil-law agreement), payroll tax calculation, assistance with the elaboration of employment (civil-law) agreements required by local legislation, advising on specifics of Director and Founder employment, assistance in obtaining a temporary residence permit, etc; 
  • Assistance in hiring local personnel; 
  • Calculation of tax losses and other expenses when hiring local employees and expats; 
  • Determining the amount of the company's assets to be transferred abroad (movable, immovable); 
  • Planning and support of the process of transfer of assets: selection of the most appropriate form of transferring assets on the balance sheet of the foreign company (sale-purchase, contribution to the authorized share capital, etc.), valuation of assets, removing of assets from the balance sheet of the Ukrainian company and placing assets on the balance sheet of the foreign company; 
  • Selection of bank/payment system, support of the process of opening an account for a new company (filling out bank forms, assistance with KYC procedures, assistance in substantiating the source of funds for the beneficiary, etc.);
  • Transfer of counterparties to the new company, support for the renegotiation of business contracts with them;
  • Transfer of the Ukrainian company in "sleeping mode" or support of liquidation of the Ukrainian legal entity;
  • Structuring the receipt of profits from a foreign company by shareholders (business owners), taking into account applicable taxation.

Starting a business from scratch abroad: 

  • Assistance with the choice of the country for setting up a business abroad, based on the client's business model, goals, and needs;
  • Advising on regulatory, corporate, licensing, and other requirements in a particular country (comparative characteristics of several most favorable countries);
  • Planning the costs of maintaining a business abroad (taking into account the cost of registration and annual maintenance of the company, office maintenance, staff salaries, etc.);
  • Assistance in finding and appointing a director; advising on the peculiarities of employment relations with the director (consider the difference in appointing a local director and an expat);
  • Assistance with employment of Ukrainian employees in a foreign company: selection of the most optimal form of labor relations (employment contract vs. civil law contract), Calculating taxes on wages, assistance in the preparation of the employment (civil law) contract, given the requirements of local legislation, support for obtaining a residence permit, etc; 
  • Assistance with employment of local staff; 
  • Calculating tax losses and other expenses when employing local staff and expats; 
  • Assistance in finding office premises and support in drafting lease agreements; 
  • Obtaining permits (licenses);
  • Communication with banks on fundraising; 
  • Consulting on the most optimal way and support in the process of company financing (contribution to the authorized capital vs. granting a loan); advantages and disadvantages of each option; 
  • Determination of the amount of the company's assets that need to be registered in the company (movable, immovable); 
  • Planning and support of the process of "stuffing" the company with assets: the conclusion of contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate (calculation of tax losses), shares, etc.; 
  • Selecting a bank/payment system, supporting the process of opening an account for a new legal entity (filling out bank forms, assistance with KYC procedures, assistance in substantiating the source of funds for the beneficiary, etc.);
  • Supporting the business activities of the company, advising on the application of local legislation, elaboration/verification of contracts to be concluded for compliance with the requirements of local laws;
  • Structuring of profits from a foreign company by its shareholders (business owners), taking into account applicable taxation.
Consulting and reporting on the Ukrainian energy market

In addition to helping businesses obtain licenses for electricity supply and trading, our company offers a wide range of services tailored to the needs of the energy market:

  • ccounting and payroll services

  • HR administration and personnel management

  • Preparation and submission of essential financial reports

  • Specialized training for your staff on effective energy market operations

  • Expert guidance on creating and presenting reports to the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities (NKREKU)

  • Integration with regional electricity distribution companies (oblenergo)

  • Preparation and submission of reports (monthly, quarterly, annual) to the NKREKU

  • Resolving various other challenges related to operating in the electricity market

Opening an Account Abroad
  • Assistance in selecting a jurisdiction for opening an account

  • Help in choosing a bank or payment system

  • Consultation on forming a "source of funds" history

  • Accompaniment throughout the account opening process for a new legal entity (completion of bank forms, assistance with KYC procedures, assistance in justifying the source of funds for the beneficiary, etc.)

Reservation of conscripted workers and obtaining deferment from mobilization
  • Analyzing your enterprise’s compliance with the criteria for obtaining critical status;

  • Preparing and verifying the required document package;

  • Assisting with the submission of documents to obtain critical enterprise status;

  • Engaging with government authorities (ministries, local government bodies);

  • Assessing the company’s eligibility for employee reservation;

  • Identifying employees who qualify as “reserved”;

  • Preparing documentation for employee reservation;

  • Organizing military record-keeping within the company to facilitate successful employee reservation;

  • Evaluating grounds for deferment from mobilization during wartime;

  • Preparing documents for submission regarding deferment from conscription during wartime.

Service packages offers

Company "0"
from 300 USD/month
Accounting service provided for zero companies (companies without activities)
  • accounting and personnel accounting, payment of taxes and fees (by director)
  • submission of reports to tax authorities, statistical authorities - profit declaration, financial result report (balance sheet), etc.
  • calculation and payment of salary for the director (optional)
  • help with replenishing the company's account for paying taxes and the director's salary
from 1400 USD/month
The package is prefabricated and is formed for the needs of each client. The cost of the package is calculated for companies with up to 20 operations per month and a staff of up to 5 people.

The package can include in any combination:

1. Accounting service at the rate of up to 20 operations/month
  • calculation and payment of salaries for employees (payroll)
  • keeping personnel records
  • bookkeeping (by employees), payment of taxes and fees and submission of reports
2. Payroll based on 1-5 employees

3. Legal services (up to 5 lawyer hours per month)
  • consulting on legal issues arising in the course of activity   
  • legal support of contractual work, work with employees and involved persons, corporate issues
4. Personnel accounting (1-5 employees)
  • hiring
  • registration of vacations, sick leave, transfers, etc
from 2300 USD/month
The package is prefabricated and is formed for the needs of each client. The cost of the package is calculated for companies that have more than 20 operations per month and a staff of 5 or more people.

The package can include in any combination:

1. Accounting service
  • calculation and payment of salaries for employees (payroll)
  • keeping personnel recordsbook
  • keeping (by employees), payment of taxes and fees and submission of reports
2. Payroll

3. Legal service
  • consulting on legal issues arising in the course of activity
  • legal support of contractual work, work with employees and involved persons, corporate issues
4. Personnel accounting
  • hiring
  • registration of vacations, sick leave, transfers, etc
Starting from 400 USD

The "Deposit" package enables clients to access legal services tailored to their specific needs, for a duration determined by the client, with the option of extending either monthly or quarterly. 

The minimum order is 4 hours over 1 month. 

Services included in the "Deposit" package are:

  • Contractual work
  • HR-related work
  • Consultations on Ukrainian legislation
  • Interactions with state authorities, other legal entities, individuals, and non-residents
  • Counterparty verification
  • Drafting of simple documents 

*  Services not covered in the "Deposit" package 

Specialized legal, accounting, and advisory services, such as licensing, business registration, audit support, legal proceedings, international business, transactions, accounting, audit, payroll, and others, as defined in the legal services agreement.


Military Records Management
Military Records Management
from UAH 15,000
  • Audit of the company's military registration documents

  • Preparation of documents for appointing a responsible person for managing military registration

  • Preparation of reports and notifications for Territorial Centers for Recruitment and Social Support, including clarifications on deadlines and procedures for submission, particularly notifications about the appointment or dismissal of officials

  • Preparation of lists of persons liable for military service*, plans, schedules, etc., about the state of military registration

  • Conducting an analysis of the state of military registration at the enterprise, according to an approved plan

  • Includes 20 basic documents

  • Clarifications provided, with up to 30 minutes of oral consultation if needed

*The package price includes listing 1-2 employees as examples. Full employee listing is available for an additional fee.

What legal business support do we offer to newly registered companies that do not have any personnel other than the head?

Our specialists often register companies, including those for foreigners planning to do business in Ukraine or obtaining a residence permit.
At the first stages of the enterprise, we perform a standard set of actions, which is usually not included in the service of registration:

  • Opening a bank account; 
  • organization of work of the client-bank; 
  • registration of electronic keys for tax reporting; 
  • accrual and payment of wages to the manager; 
  • reporting to the employment office, FSA and statistics authorities; 
  • working out of contracts and primary legal consultations on the taxation of business.
Service in such a form at this stage of business development is very profitable for the customers, as the cost of service clearly wins compared to the cost of hiring staff needed to solve such problems.

What kind of legal support do we provide to operating enterprises of trade and services sphere, which have their own accountant and lawyer?

In this case the essence of service consists in the decision of legal problems which go beyond usual operational work of the average regular lawyer:
  • Development of the legal structure of the group of companies for the purpose of tax optimization or protection of business assets; 
  • assessment of such risks; 
  • support of recovery of significant amounts of accounts receivable; 
  • working out of external economic and licence contracts.
The advantage of such service is that such problems rarely arise and the content of the company's staff of a specialist capable of solving them is unreasonably expensive. In addition, the solution of such problems requires constant practice, which can not be the staff of a lawyer who does not encounter these issues often enough.

Specialists of our company have a deep legal expertise in various fields of Ukrainian law, which allows us to find a comprehensive approach to solving any issue.

Support for "null" (non active) companies in Ukraine

For such companies, we offer a separate package of services - accounting for foreign companies that are not operated in Ukraine.

Provided that such a company does not operate, the cost of maintenance will be - 300 dollars / month (subject to payment for a year).

If payment is made quarterly or every six months - the cost is 350 dollars / month.

With monthly payment - the cost of 400 dollars / month.

This cost includes the single tax itself, and the submission of financial statements for the client's company.

If at any point you decide to turn this company into a working business, we can help with that as well.

The "Deposit" Project

In today's fast-paced business environment, accessing timely and high-quality legal services is crucial. However, the search for a suitable lawyer for specific business needs or projects can be time-consuming. Our "Deposit" service is designed to address this challenge. This package allows you to benefit from the expertise of our top lawyers through a pre-paid arrangement. The minimum engagement involves four hours of legal assistance, extendable over a minimum of one calendar month. 

How it works: 

  1. You select the desired amount of lawyer hours needed for a certain period. For instance, 10 hours per quarter or 5 hours monthly.
  2. We then create an agreement that precisely documents these terms.
  3. You advance the payment for these services and receive legal assistance over the specified period.
  4. At the end of the service term, the "Deposit" can be renewed with further payments.

The range of services included in the "Deposit" package, as well as those not covered, are clearly defined in both the package and the legal services agreement. 

The "Deposit" package is particularly suitable for businesses that periodically require quality legal services for ongoing concerns. Additionally, if there's a need for a specific legal service, our firm is ready and equipped to provide the necessary assistance.

What is the legal support of representative offices of foreign companies in Ukraine without a full-time lawyer?

The activity of foreign representative offices has significant specifics in comparison with ordinary enterprises. If the budget of the representative office does not provide for the costs of a full-time lawyer, it is not easy to find a suitable specialist for a separate job.

Our company is engaged in opening, support of activity and closing of representations of the foreign companies in Ukraine, therefore we take them and on service.

Additional information about the legal outsourcing for companies

Obtaining legal services for business is crucial to ensure that all your company's operations comply with local regulations and laws. Many startups and established companies alike rely on comprehensive legal services for business to handle contracts, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution effectively. Our legal business support has the following advantages:

  • Pravova Dopomoga is a full-service law firm;
  • Our five-year experience allows us to provide a high level of Client's internal processes understanding. Most likely our experts have already faced the issues that are new to you;
  • Our legal outsourcing services won’t cost you more than the in-house lawyers with the relative expertise;
  • We always care about time costs of Clients’ staff and especially top management;
  • Our specialists work for the result;
  • Cooperation with us does not cause any difficulties in communication since all the processes become controlled and systematic so there is no need to do anything hastily;
  • We understand all circumstances and difficulties that arise during our Client’s work with a new corporate law firm and constantly strive to make the cooperation more comfortable for you.

To achieve business goals a firm should have qualified legal support the cost of which is always paid off by saved time and money both during project launch and throughout its functioning. And along with complexity of a project rises the veracity of this claim.

Every effective manager and business owner understands this. Hiring a reputable corporate law firm can provide invaluable support and guidance when navigating the complexities of starting a business in Ukraine.

The price of our firm’s legal services may be either fixed or hourly. Our corporate law firm offers expertise in areas such as mergers, acquisitions, and compliance, ensuring that your business operates within the legal framework.

If you are also interested in services for residents of Dia City, check out our presentation here!

Specialists of our company have a deep legal expertise in various fields of law, which allows us to find a comprehensive approach to solving any issue. We offer the custom solutions to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring personalized service and satisfaction.

We are ready to help you!

Contact us by mail [email protected] or by filling out the form:

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