Legal assistance during inspections of controlling authorities

Legal services in support of inspections of regulatory and law enforcement authorities, including tax audits, have been one of the main practices of the Legal Aid Company since 2006.
Our lawyers represent the interests of our Сlients in relations with regulatory and law enforcement authorities throughout Ukraine.
The company has extensive experience in legal protection of the rights and legitimate interests of its Clients both in the course of inspections by the state supervision (control) authorities, tax audits, and in the course of appealing to judicial and other authorities against the actions and decisions of the inspectors.
We provide assistance in conducting competent correspondence with the state supervision (control) authorities, which contributes to the safety of business documentation and business information of Clients.
If necessary, our company can provide a lawyer to accompany the interrogations, searches, excavations and other investigative actions.
Cost of support of tax or any other check hourly. More detailed information on the cost of legal services in the preparation of responses to queries, the participation of a lawyer in the investigation, the participation of a lawyer in audits can be obtained by going to the page of a specific service.
Legal assistance in tax audit is provided in the shortest possible time.
What we do
Reviewing requests for explanations and document submission;
Analyzing the schedule for scheduled tax audits;
Drafting responses to requests for explanations and document copies;
Assessing the Order regarding the tax audit;
Examining primary documentation prior to the audit to identify potential risks related to penalty sanctions and additional tax liabilities;
Conducting employee training on behavior during the audit;
Providing consultations during the tax audit;
Supplying responses and clarifications during the audit;
Analyzing the tax audit report;
Preparing objections to the audit report.
- Provide the Client with legal advice on the prospects of appealing against decisions, actions or inactions of state supervision (control) bodies, on the possibility to recover damages, including moral damages.
- Prepare appeal letters (claims) to be submitted to the higher authorities of the system of state supervision (control) bodies or law enforcement agencies, as well as to the police and prosecutors.
- Submit appeal letters (claims) to the higher bodies on behalf of the Client - if he/she doesn’t want to go to the state supervision (control) body.
- Develop all the necessary procedural documents to be submitted to the court.
- Ensure the presence of a lawyer during the court proceedings (under a power of attorney or attorney’s authorization).
- Provide legal assistance and support of the procedure for satisfying judgement.
- prepare a response to a request, taking into consideration the provisions of the relevant legislation and the situation of the Client;
- analyze the request in terms of its compliance with the legislation;
- provide a legal opinion regarding the Client's responsibility for refusal to provide the requested information;
- advise on the capacity of a public authority to request certain documents, information etc.;
- provide legal advice on the manner of communication with law enforcement officers (officials) during scheduled/unscheduled inspections at an enterprise.
Legal support for tax audits and other audits
At present, there are more than 70 controlling and law enforcement agencies in Ukraine.Legal Aid Company has repeatedly provided legal support of tax disputes, as well as other assistance to clients in communication with tax authorities, bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Security Service of Ukraine, Prosecutor's Office, Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, bodies of Gosgorpromnadzor, Gosstroy, State Consumer Inspection, Gosarkhstroyinspektsiya of Ukraine, Pension Fund, bodies of the State Service for Intellectual Property, various social security funds and so on.
Legal assistance in communication with state supervision (control) authorities includes analysis of compliance with the legislation of information, as well as other requests of regulatory and law enforcement authorities (investigators, tax police officers, etc.), as well as at the request of the Client - preparation of a legal opinion on this issue or, in fact, a written response to the request.
In addition, the lawyers of our company carry out travel to the Client's territory for the purpose of legal support of scheduled and unscheduled inspections, surveys and other activities of state supervision (control) in respect of the Client, with preliminary or subsequent development of the strategy of behavior of the Client's officials during the visits of controllers.
A separate place in this practice of the company is occupied by the appeal of actions and decisions of institutions of state supervision (control), tax audit, to higher authorities (administrative appeal) and courts (judicial appeal). The services of a lawyer in court within this area of practice are closely related to the practice of the company in court.